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IMPORTANT USA Visa Update: Eligibility Changes

Posted On: Thursday, 18 June 2021

Currently we are able to use your graduation ceremony date as the starting date of eligibility on Work USA – this meant you would have 12 months from the date of your graduation ceremony to enter the US.

Recently there has been rumblings from that this will soon change. What we’ve heard is that the ‘new’ date you will be able to use for your eligibility is the date of your last exam – not your graduation ceremony date.
Why does this matter?
We want you to be aware of when you are eligible for this 12 month US visa. Our concern is that you are planning on using the grad ceremony date and that the guidelines change and you miss out. We don’t want that, you don’t want that.
Masters Students
Due to the ambiguous nature of a Master’s degree, the restrictions are slightly different when it comes to eligibility.  You are not allowed large gaps between finishing study and graduation, therefore, the eligibility date will most likely be taken from the date on which a student hands in (or the final date that they should hand in) their Master’s thesis.  There is some extension to this eligibility allowed, possibly to the date that the marks for the thesis is received, but this will need to be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

If you are concerned about your eligibility and when you need to enter the US please do not hesitate to contact us here or call 03 9329 3866. If we get any further information you will be contacted.